Hadong Green Tea

Hadong Green Tea is a traditional Korean brand with over 1,000 years of history. Known for its rich, deep flavor, it has long been a prominent name in the tea industry. However, its strongly traditional image has made it challenging to connect with a broader global audience. This project focuses on rebranding Hadong Green Tea to create a more contemporary and globally accessible identity. The redesign includes a refreshed logo and packaging, extending into experiential elements that enhance the multisensory appreciation of Hadong Green Tea’s deep, nuanced flavors.


Concept Development

Package Design

For the packaging, I designed an outer package and three inner packages for the major green tea flavors—Jungjak (a mid-grade tea harvested after Ipha, offering a fresh aroma and smooth taste), Daejak (a later-harvested tea with larger leaves and a stronger, more robust flavor), and Ujeon (the highest-grade tea, picked before Gogu, known for its delicate and subtle taste). To maintain a clear, simple, and authentic image, I used lightweight fonts, minimalist drawings, and a basic square shape for each package.


Finalized Package Design

Collaborative Exhibition / MoMA x Hadong Green Tea

Gallery Space / History of Hadong

Path to Sensorial Room

Sensorial Room / Experience Hadong

Cafe / Tea Tasting Room